Expoha EMC
Expoha Export Management Company (EMC) is your gateway to global trade. Specializing in helping businesses enter overseas international markets, EMC provides end-to-end export solutions tailored to meet the specific challenges of expanding across borders.
Pistachio nuts are the fruit of a tree-like plant (scientific name Pistachio Vera) that grows in clusters. There is a yellowish-green kernel covered by a peel with a strong adhesion. The enlarged nut pushes on the surrounding hard beige shell to cause a natural split, while the hull, which serves as a protective cover for the shell, usually remains intact.
The pistachio tree blooms during April and the kernel develops in July. Pistachio usually ripens in the 2nd half of September.
Pistachio is an old crop and most cultivars are selections from seedling populations.

The major producers are Iran, USA and Turkey followed by Syria Afghanistan and others.
In Iran according to shape Pistachio is categorized into Long and Round varieties, Open Mouth and Closed Mouth types.Long pistachio varieties are Ahmadaghaii called AA, Akbari called Ak, and Badami. Round pistachio varieties are Fandoghi and Kalleghoochi (Jumbo).

Types of Pistachio:
Saffron is one of the world’s most precious and expensive spices, derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the saffron crocus. The spice consists of the dried stigmas of the flower, with each crocus producing only three red stigmas, making saffron harvesting extremely labor-intensive. It takes around 75,000 saffron flowers to produce just one pound (about 450 grams) of saffron, which is why it is sometimes referred to as “red gold.”

Key Facts about Saffron:
Origin and Cultivation: Saffron has been cultivated for over 3,000 years, with its origins tracing back to ancient Persia (modern-day Iran). Today, Iran remains the largest producer of saffron, supplying around 90% of the global market, but it is also grown in countries like India (particularly in Kashmir), Spain, and Greece.
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